More than Earth Day

While Earth Day is great, Earth Month is even better. How about an entire Earth Brand? We can stop crowing about how we, and therefore you, are supporting the earth through your skincare. It’s good to know, morning, evening, and whenever you pull out your hand soap or use your hand cream, that you are putting organic, clean ingredients on your skin and you are supporting the planet. Let us explain...

Our Founder and CEO, Joshua Onysko has been involved in the organic movement for over 25 years. He’s been eating, buying, and growing organic food and building Pangea Organics. Back in the year 2000 he started making bar soap with organic oils, herbs, and flowers. For him, it was all about the Earth. Why would we add toxins to the Earth to produce food when food should be our medicine? Since then, our understanding of the destructive nature of conventional big agriculture has grown, most importantly, what evolved was a deep understanding of how our actions, our decisions, and our choices impact people all over the world in ways that are simply hard to understand until you visit the farms where this occurs.

We vote with our actions, dollars, choices, and with everything we do here at Pangea, we vote for clean water and rich organic soil. We all should have the right and the choice to be healthy. Over the years We have been lucky enough to visit many farms that grow our ingredients and many who produce food for our communities. Organic farms look at the world through a different lens.

The farm in Egypt that produces many of our organic essential oils pays a living wage and provides the same health care for its workers as the upper class receives. Another organic essential oil farm I just visited a few weeks ago in Haiti pays a living wage and supports 23,000 Haitian families. Our Daily AHA Gentle Exfoliator is made with cranberries from James Lake Farms, where they share our goal of creating products that are good for the earth and good for us, too. Our seaweed comes from Nature Spirit Herbs.

Every time you use a Pangea Organics product you are positively affecting communities, countries, and millions of acres of land. Pangea is vegan, plant-based, and organic ingredients and always will be because all of this matters to us.

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