Now and Forever Plastic-free | Pangea Organics

Now and Forever Plastic-free

Happy Plastic-free July! This is a month of reducing personal single-use plastics use, and our commitment to creating a Plastic-free brand is forever. Our vision is to keep evolving so that we’re not only “free” of things that harm the planet, we contribute to its health and help it thrive. 

A while back, we joined the Plastic Pollution Coalition, a global alliance of more than 1,200 organizations, businesses, and thought leaders in 75 countries working toward a more just, equitable world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impact on humans, animals, waterways, oceans, and the environment.  (Check out Plastic-free July on their website and learn more about ways to get involved locally with this movement and some new ideas about alternatives to single-use plastics.)

The Plastic Pollution Coalition also offers resources such as Get Started Living Plastic FreeHealthy Pregnancy Guide, The Healthy Baby Guide, Plastic Free TownsPlastic Free Eateries, and Plastic Free Schools

Going completely plastic-free isn’t something that most of us can do overnight. Your #LifeAfterPlastic begins with small but significant lifestyle choices (and choosing  science-backed, plant-based, highly effective self-care products in plastic-free packaging is an excellent place to start!) 

Thank you for helping us create a #LifeAfterPlastic. 

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