Planting Seeds of Greatness | Pangea Organics

Planting Seeds of Greatness

The choices we make right now are the seeds we’re planting for the future. We’re choosing love, regeneration, and a #LifeAfterPlastic - are you with us?

One of the things we love about gardening is that it is a tangible, living metaphor for what we’re doing all the time, i.e. planting seeds that (with the right conditions) become something else entirely.

We envision a future for our planet that is plastic-free. One of the major seeds we planted last year in the spirit of that vision was to take our Bodycare Plastic-free. In March this year, our Skincare will follow. We are so excited to experience #LifeAfterPlastic for our entire planet, and we know with your help it will be possible.

Regardless of how crazy the world gets, there is always an opportunity to be kind, grateful, and to make the best choices for yourself and others. These are the seeds we plant for the future we're creating. Happy Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month!

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